Diablo 2 median xl ultimative uberquest volrath
Diablo 2 median xl ultimative uberquest volrath

  • Each boss (priestess) is immune to its named element.
  • And as always, you don't need to identify to transmute stuff. He drops a charm called ''Sunstone of the Elements'', you'll need it to complete the challenges.
  • There is a ''boss'' on the entrance, a ''Pirate of the Twin seas''.
  • TA(Tran Athulua) is filled with Amazon archers (they deal decent damage) and some snakes.
  • You can do this uber without blinks/teleports. Or just use a ''Pax Mystica'' runeword on your 2nd weapon. A way to get blink is cubing character orb (you can find it completing A1:Q1) with the ''read me'' statue for LC0.
  • It's useful to have Blink (or any teleport source) to jump over the walls.
  • This place has no mini-map, so you need a good one → MAP!.
  • Use mystic orbs from akara to improve your gear.
  • 6k defense for ranged character and 8k + for melee.
  • Unlike D2:Original&LoD, you can use a recipe to get an elixir that refunds your skill and attribute points at any moment in the game.Īlright, LC1(LevelChallenge1) is the second challenge you'll have to face on Hatred difficulty.
  • Druid: Laughing ghost for the traps and Elementals or Poison flash (your choice) for VolrathĮlementals are ranged and safer, Poison flash is melee and stronger.
  • Sorceress: Immersion all the way, with 25 points on Energy…TONS OF DMG.
  • You can try Dragon oath for the AoE flames too.
  • Paladin: Vessel of retribution + Retaliate.
  • diablo 2 median xl ultimative uberquest volrath

    Barbarian: Earthquake on left button and Lion stance on right button.Necromancer: You can use boneyard for cleaning up most of the traps and buckshot for the remaining ones and Volrath.

    diablo 2 median xl ultimative uberquest volrath

    Assassin: Here you can use Cluster mine or Bat strike, I personally prefer Cluster mine because it’s really much faster to me (All points in Energy).I use 27 dex (for hunter bow) and the rest on energy for mana. I found the other skill trees weaker than this one. Amazon: One of the fastest ways to do Volrath with her, Sunstrike.

    Diablo 2 median xl ultimative uberquest volrath